Date Cake Recipe

Date Cake Recipe
Nutrition Information
  • Serves: 5
  • Calories: 300
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Saturated fat: 0 g
  • Unsaturated fat: 0 g
  • Trans fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Sugar: 0 g
  • Sodium: 0 mg
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
There would be hardly anyone in the world who does not like a decent cake. Because of their sweet taste these desserts are often served as menu specialties in weddings, birthday parties or other ceremonies. In the past cake making was a very difficult procedure and a lot of time, skill and labour was required to prepare them. But nowadays even the most naive person can prepare some of the finest cakes.
  • Dates (seeded) - 1 cup
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp
  • Water (boiling) - 1 cup
  • White Sugar - 1 cup
  • Flour - 2 ½ cups
  • Walnuts - 1 cup
  • Egg - 1
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  • Buttermilk - 1 cup
  1. First get the oven ready for baking so preheat it to 350 degrees.
  2. In the meanwhile prepare the cake pans in which the date cake batter will be added.
  3. For this take one 8 inch cake pan and brush the walls and base with butter.
  4. Also, dust the walls and base of the cake pan with flour. Shake the pan in your hands to distribute it evenly.
  5. Next, add crushed dates and soda in a bowl and pour hot water from the top. Mix well.
  6. Now take a separate bowl and add an egg, 1 cup sugar, desired quantity of salt, 2 ½ cups of flour, crushed walnuts and 1 tablespoon of butter and mix well.
  7. Once all the ingredients are fully mixed together, add the date mixture into it and mix well.
  8. Once this batter is fully mixed add the batter into the cake pans.
  9. Now the date cake batter is ready to be baked so put it in the oven and wait for the next 30 minutes.
  10. Keep on checking the cake from time to time to see if it is ready.
  11. If the cake becomes double in size and turns golden brown in colour then it means that the cake is done.
  12. Once prepared, take it out and let it cool down for 10 minutes.
  13. Now in order to prepare the toppings add buttermilk, 1 cup of sugar, salt, vanilla extract, walnuts and flour in a saucepan and let it cook for 4 to 5 minutes.
  14. By this time the cake will be ready so take it out.
  15. Now with the help of a sharp knife carefully divide the cake into 2 or 3 layers.
  16. Pour the toppings in the centre of every layer and then stack them up into a final cake.
  17. Refrigerate it and serve chilled.

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