How To Make an Anti Sun Damage Facial Mask

To stay beautiful, everybody should take very good care of his/her face. Dust, pollution and other such things hurt the face very badly, but perhaps nothing causes more damage to your face than sun.

A lot people go to sun without applying any sun block to their face. It is a fact that the sun rays are full of vitamin D, which is very important, but still no one should go in front of the hot sun without any safety.

According to some experts, one should not go out without sun block, even if the sun is not out due to clouds. Once the damage is done, you can easily buy ready-made facial creams, but you would never be sure about the ingredients.

Moreover, the facial solutions are very expensive these days. Therefore, you should make one by yourself. Blueberry is considered to be a very good anti-sun damage.

Making an anti sun damage facial mask is not a tough procedure. Necessary ingredients are easily available in the market and, by spending only a few minutes, you can prepare a mask, which will be better than many.

Things required:

– Blueberries

– Yogurt

– Honey

– Oatmeal

– Mixing bowl

– Measuring cup

– Blender

– Container

– Strainer

– Tablespoon


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    First of all, clean your mixing bowl with the water. It is always better to wash it with soap. Let it dry itself, or use a clean towel.

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    Put 10-15 pieces of blueberries in the bowl. Don’t forget to wash them before using. Drain the water by using strainer.

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    It is the time to put yogurt in the bowl. Don’t use too much quantity though. Add only one tablespoon of yogurt.

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    Now, put oatmeal. Use only a quarter or half cup of raw oatmeal. Do this carefully, because extra quantity might make things tricky.

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    Always include the honey, preferably 1/3 cup. Use the same cup to measure all the ingredients.

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    Having added ingredients, you need to mix it very well. It is not possible to smash blueberries with the spoon, so use a blender. As a result, you will get a paste. You can always add more honey and oatmeal, if required.

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    Transfer the paste into a clean/dry container. You facial mask is ready to use now. Wet your face, and apply the mask for at least 30 minutes. Wash it with water, and dry your face with a clean towel.

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