Steps to Make Mushrooms Potatoes with Steak

Potatoes, mushrooms and steak, all three of these are cooked and eaten alone and they are very rich in taste as well as provide much amount of energy but can you cook all of them together to make a very tasty and loveable recipe? Yes you can because the following recipe I am going to tell you is steak with mushrooms and potatoes. You will never ever forget the taste of this awesome recipe. Follow these simple steps to cook a perfect treat for friends and your family.
Preparation Time: 40 minutes.
Serving Size: 2 to 3 persons.
Calories: 326
Fat: 10.4 g
Cholesterol: 69 mg
400 grams of beef fillet
3 cloves of chopped garlic
2 onions
2 boiled potatoes
1 cup of chicken stock
2 tablespoons of vinegar
2 tablespoons of soya sauce
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
½ cup of mushrooms
1 tablespoon of crushed black pepper
2 tablespoons of flour
½ cup of butter
2 tablespoons of oil
Salt to taste
Thyme as required
First of all we will prepare marinade material, for that take a bowl and mix brown sugar, soya sauce, vinegar, black pepper and salt.
Now take the beef fillet and dip it it marinade until it gets a fine coating of marinade.
Now pour oil in frying pan, and heat it well and then fry the beef fillet in it until it gets brown texture. Now remove the steak from pan and put it in a plate.
Now in the same oil fry the garlic and onions, wait until onions are light brown, now add black pepper, salt and chicken stock in it and cook it on low heat. After the gravy is set, add mushrooms in it and mix them all together.
Take another pan and put melted butter and flour in it. Now cook them until the mixture gets brown colour. Add mustard seeds and cooked flour in the mixture prepared in step 4 and then cook it for approx. 4 minutes.
When the sauce prepared in step 5 thickens, mix boiled potatoes with beef fillet and mix them with the sauce.
Place the cooked dish in a plate and to garnish spread thymes on it and then serve.