How to Make Tomato Rose for Garnishing

Garnishing enhances the overall look of the dishes, making them more mouth-watering and eye-catching. Tomato Rose is one among the refreshing and colorful garnishing that adds a nice finishing touch to your dishes.

Making tomato rose is a matter of few minutes where you have to peel a fresh tomato, roll it and present on the bed of various dishes. It is a useful way to make best use of tomato’s peel that would otherwise be thrown away. For small or medium platter of a salad or other dish, it is better to place the tomato rose in the center. Otherwise, for large platters, make two to three tomato roses and arrange them on the corner as a group.

Things Required:

– One large fresh tomato – better if round in shape
– Sharpe knife
– Cutting board


  • 1

    Take a fresh tomato, rinse it and wipe it dry gently.

  • 2

    Now use a sharp knife to cut the top portion of the tomato, leaving a little part still attached.

    From that point, start peeling the tomato thinly and proceed right around the tomato in continues circle until you reach the bottom.

  • 3

    Place the tomato's stripe on a cutting board. Now start rolling it from one end until you end forming a beautiful rose, like the image given on your right hand side.

  • 4

    Arrange the tomato rose on the bed of fresh salad herbs on a platter or at the top of the dishes. Place some fresh mint leaves around your tomato rose for an eye-catching garnishing.

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