How to Open a Restaurant in Canada

Opening and managing a restaurant in Canada is not difficult, but it requires meeting certain legal requirements in the country. Members of Canadian restaurant industry need all the food business registration and fulfilment of other requirements. Also, you will need to adhere to the rules of safety and hygiene while running the restaurant. You might also expect regular visits from the relevant department for the regular maintenance of hygiene and cleanliness standards.


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    Consider Your Financing

    First of all you need to consider your financing option and your potential to invest in the project. If you want to open a big restaurant, you will need bigger financing. You should consider how you can fund the project, before applying for the business permission.

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    Decide Type of Restaurant

    You need to decide what type of restaurant you want to open. Whether you want to open a big restaurant serving food, or just want to open a coffee shop. A large ethnic cuisine will require a bigger amount of investment and will also have separate regulatory requirements to be met. You can seek services of a research company to find out a right location for your business.

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    Provincial Govt Permission

    In Canada, each provincial government has different rules and regulations. To open a restaurant, you will need to contact the provincial government in which you are going to open your restaurant. You have to meet all regulatory requirements of the provincial government to open a restaurant.

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    Business Establishment License

    You will then need a business establishment license from the local municipal government. You may also need a separate license for establishment of food business. Both are separate requirements for setting up and running restaurant in the country. You can apply for the license online or through post. Carefully read requirement of all documents with the application.

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    Meet Additional Registration Requirement

    In addition to meeting the license requirement, you will also need to meet certain provincial or federal governments requirements. You can consult local office for advice to meet additional licensing or regulatory requirements.

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