Top 10 Must Carry Children Essentials when Travelling

The arrival of your child changes the life forever. You become more responsible and thoughtful. Every decision is made keeping the best of the child in the mind. Children are parent’s first priorities. So naturally when you are travelling with a toddler, a lot of preparations have to be made. The couple needs to be fully prepared to cater to the child’s needs. Many of us would cancel plans or change them for our kids because we want them to be comfortable and take care of them. The list will help you to travel fully prepared with your child.


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    Baby food

    It is compulsory to take care of the child’s nutrition. There should be sufficient food. Keep a thermos for milk and one for hot water too. Also keep cup heaters if possible to make porridge on the way.

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    Some toys

    Toys are a child’s best friend. They keep them distracted and a child can keep on playing for hours. Pick some of his/her favourite toys and keep them handy so that you can give them whenever they cry or are getting cranky.

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    Mosquito repellent

    The child should be protected against mosquitoes and bugs. In the house you keep coils and repellents to keep the mosquitoes away but people tend to forget it on the journey.

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    Every child has his/her favourite book. The colourful illustrations fascinate them. The world of stories keeps the children engrossed for long time. It is also a good learning for the kid. Sometimes they get bored with toys so you can hand them a good book.

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    First aid kit

    Children are active and like to run around. It can result in a fall from the swing or stumbling over a stone. A first aid kid is important so that you can stop the infection before it spreads. Keep a lot of bandages and some pills for motion sickness, stomach ache etc.

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    Extra clothes

    We all know kids get dirty: they spill food or are running around. So it is important that you have extra clothes. It is important to keep the child clean. Keep a small separate bag so that you can change the clothes after few hours.

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    Water bottle

    If the journey is long, the child is bound to get thirsty. If possible boil the water from home so that the kid gets pure water.

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    This is a must when you are travelling with a toddler. Weather the journey is long or short, a child may require a change of diaper. A child is too small to tell when he/she wants to use the loo so make sure that he is wearing a diaper.

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    Do not keep it when travelling alone but with kids it’s a different case. If you are travelling at night, it usually gets cold and the child tends to sleep so you should cover him with a blanket.

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    The kids can get bored with the usual food and might get hungry besides meal times. Instead of buying unhygienic stuff on the way, pack some healthy snacks.

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