How to Paint Aluminium Siding

Aluminium is a great element to use as building siding. It does not rot and serves for generations. However, with time Aluminium sidings starts showing signs of age. This is a sign for you to refresh it with a coat of paint. Painting the aluminium siding will give you a new look to your house which is exactly what you need to brighten up your mood when you approach it. This is a do-it-yourself project that does not ask for much time or spending. All you need is the right information and instructions. We are providing you with that here in our step by step guide below.

Things required:

– Oil based metal priming paint
– Soapy dishwater solution
– 5 gallon bucket
– Hose
– Medium bristle scrub brush
– Pole sander
– Acrylic latex exterior house paint
– Paint brushes and rollers
– Ladder, if applicable


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    Before starting to paint, spend time on the surface. You need to a have a clean surface. Aluminium sidings tend to be covered with flaky chaulky layer.  Attach a scrub brush to the sander, dip into a bucket of soapy water and start cleaning the aluminium. Cover all parts well. You might need a ladder to reach all parts.

    Rinse well with the water hose. Remove all the soap from the siding. Let the surface dry for a couple of days.

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    Apply primer:

    When the siding has totally dried up, it is time to apply a primer. Take a good quality oil based exterior primer. Thin it down with a pint thinner in the proportion of 1 pint per gallon. Oil based primer is preferred over the latex one because latex reacts with aluminium to escape as gas bubbles. The primer extends the life of your paint and gives it a smooth base. Use a roller or brush to apply the primer. Most of the times you have to apply two coats of primer for optimal function. Let the first coat dry overnight before applying the next.

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    Within 48 hours of the final primer coat apply the first layer of acrylic latex paint. The first layer should be light. Let it dry before applying the second one. Use a brush or roller the way you did with the primer. Choose a day with little sunshine and no rain or wind to paint because you do not want any mess up when the paint is fresh and wet.

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