How to Play Pull-off\’s for Guitar

The pull-off is just like a hammer-on and is considered to be an extremely important skill for lead guitarists. Even the rhythm guitarists should master this technique as it can really come in handy whenever you are trying to add feel to the song that you are trying to play. Right at the beginning stages of your guitar learning, you should always learn pull-off and it is extremely important for you. It will make your playing easier and you will also manage to open up soon. This technique has been mastered by several great guitarists and one of them is the Guns ‘n Roses Guitar master, Slash.


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    The pull-off is just like a hammer-on but it is played in a different way. You must start off by plucking the note that you have fretted. Allow the note to ring for a long time. Pick any note from a higher scale as it will be easier for you to master this technique there. Since you are trying to learn this technique, using a G or B string would be extremely easier for you. And while you are trying to do a pull off, the middle-finger is always considered to be the best.

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    After you have allowed the note to ring, now the pull-off will follow the hammer-on. This technique is extremely difficult in the start, but it will allow you to play your guitar even without strumming it. Once you have managed to pull off a hammer-on on one fret, then, without using your picking finger, pick another fret and pluck it through your fret-holding finger. Use your middle finger to do it as it generates the highest amount of sound. Always make sure that the touch is soft, but efficient.

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    Now once you are done with pulling off your guitar, you should know how to do it and mastering this technique will take you a while. However, practice makes a man perfect and you should always keep practicing whatever you have learnt. Look for tutorials online and watch videos for it. It is not a difficult job to do once you are dedicated towards it. However, you must understand that a pull-off is different from a hammer-on. They mostly occur together but a hammer-on will make you pick your guitar from your picking hand. However, the pull-off will make you pick your guitar from the chord-playing hand. Always try to use the index finger for this, but most guitarists use their little finger to pull off because it becomes integral when you are trying to target higher notes.

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