How to Prepare for Boy Scout Camp

Boy scouting is really an exciting activity, but these trips could become dangerous without proper preparation. If you are a parent, there is no need to get nervous on the eve of your son’s scout camp however.
With little preparation and investment, you can ensure that your kid will have a safe and joyful trip. The basic idea is to get the right equipment. This should also be ensured when you are going hiking, or any other adventure.
If you are fully prepared, your night under the stars will be full of fun and you will be able to enjoy adventure . Outline your plans and then make preparations accordingly.
Things Required:
– Tent
– Sleeping bag
– Backpack
– Sleeping pad
– Mess kit
– Hiking boots
– Scout handbook
– Canteen
– Food
– Bug spray
– Weather appropriate clothing
You should have complete information about the passage trail and the location where you are going to set your camp. This information will help you pack your bag accordingly.
Boy scouting is not all about setting a camp in middle of the woods. There can be different scenarios in different terrains. -
The most important step is to gather all the equipment. You may have to spend some money in the beginning. But before buying anything, you should consult your fellow Scouts. Your friends may have the required equipment that you can easily borrow to keep your bag a little light.
Make sure you have all the aforementioned items one way or another. It is not a good idea to rely on somebody else for your needs. Make a complete list of things that you don't have and ensure before going that you have arranged that. -
Talk to other members and inquire how the meal will be prepared. You may have to add cooking material to your bag. However, it is possible that the camp administration supplies the food items. Nevertheless, you should keep some snacks and drinks in your bag.
Tent building could become frustrating for the beginners. Therefore, you should learn the tent building before going for the camping. The building of a simple two-man tent takes only 20 minutes.
Taking care of the bedding is also very important. If you have no prior experience of sleeping on the floor, take airbed with you to give yourself cushion.