How to Raise Grass-Fed Chickens

If you want to raise grass-fed chickens as a healthy alternative for your family, you will need a little space, a decent know how about breeding chicken and a lot of patience. You also have to decide on whether you want the animals for meat or just eggs. This article will give you a thorough insight on how you can raise grass-fed chickens.

Things Required:

– Chickens
– Variety of Grasses
– Coop
– Supplemental Feed


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    It is very important to protect your chickens from severe weather or predatory animals at night. Having a coop is the best way to do. You can make or build a coop that has some open space and a door for easy access. There should be several compartments with enough breathing room for the number of chickens that you will be raising. Never overcrowd the coop and make sure you keep it clean as this will encourage healthy chickens.

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    Decide on Meat or Eggs:

    In order to get the right breed of chicken, you will have to decide if you want to raise the animals for their eggs or meat. Make sure you select a breed that suits your purpose.

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    Buy Chicks:

    Once you have the coop ready, you can now buy chicks. Try to shop around by checking various prices online and with farm supply stores. Also, look for any livestock auctions that might be taking place in your area for a great deal on chicks.

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    Feed and Care:

    Take care of the chicks. You will have to provide the necessary food, water and heat. Ensure that the coop is 95 degrees F during the first few week. Be sure to check on the chicks regularly throughout the day.

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    Prepare Feed:

    Mix various items like insects, seafood, flora, legumes and other things to the feed. Make sure to have a good variety of living grasses growing in your area. The ideal feed mixture is a combination of both grasses and insect or flora supplements. The goal is to keep everything organic and to avoid any type of chemicals from being consumed by the chickens. 

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