How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on February 14. It began as a liturgical celebration of an early Christian Saint, whose name was Valentinus.

There are several stories associated with this day, but the most popular of them is related with Saint Valentinus. It is said that he was imprisoned due to performing weddings of those soldiers who were forbidden from marrying, as well as for ministering to those Christians, who were victimised under the Roman Empire.

According to several historians, it is said that during his imprisonment, Valentinus cured the daughter of his jailer, and fell in love with her afterwards. Moments before his execution, Valentinus wrote to her, with ‘From your Valentine’ as his parting words.

Since then, the day that marked his execution, February 14, has been celebrated around the world as a day of love and people try to make their loved ones feel special.

While we should all cherish our relationships everyday, Valentine’s Day gives us an opportunity to go out of our way and make time for the people that matter the most to us. If you are planning to spend a special Valentine’s Day this year, keep reading this article for tips.


  • 1

    Make gift packs

    To rejuvenate your relationships with your friends, family or your partner, a gift pack with several mixed items is a good idea. While you can put together a special gift pack for your partner to surprise him/her in the morning, making generic ones for your friends and relatives will also do the trick.

    Valentine's Day Gift Pack
  • 2

    Plan a long drive

    In most of the countries, Valentine’s Day is an official holiday. However, if you are living in a country where it is not a public holiday, then it is recommended that you take your day off from the office or leave the office premises earlier than your shift ends, and take your partner for a romantic long drive. Play some soothing and romantic music, not very loud, and enjoy the ride.

    Long Drive
  • 3

    Arrange a dinner date

    Before leaving for a long drive, make sure that you have arranged or made a booking for a special dinner with your partner. Take your partner to that restaurant or hotel on your way back from the drive.

    Valentine Day Dinner

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