Selling a Used Car in Montreal

So you have made up your mind to sell your motorcar. Well what do you do now? Selling your old motorcar to a private person can be more profitable than selling your motorcar to a dealer. When it comes to Montreal, you need to be street smart if you want to sell your car at the perfect price. Simply learn the ways people deal and take advantage of the fact that they are in need. 

Get your car to a car wash and start giving it a good shine, because the guide which follows is going to help you out in selling your car at the best price possible. Just follow the simple steps which have been mentioned below.


  • 1

    Start by fixing any minor damages like mirrors or scratches that won’t cost you that much if your car needs some major fixing don’t bother. Considering the fact that your cars worth is not more than $8000 in market it won’t be worth the hassle.

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    Get your car Smogged in Montreal. It will be necessary to smog your motorcar in order to sell it if it is 4 to 5 years old in model. Go through a smog test of your car if it does not pass fix it until it does pass.

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    Get the car washed properly clean it inside-out making it sparkle and squeaky clean don’t forget to put in new mats if your old ones are worn out or just simply shampoo the old ones.

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    Take photographs of the car’s interior and exterior take 4 pictures from Front, back, interior dashboard and the back seating compartment.

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    Upload the pictures with a brief description about the cars mileage and maintenance history post your Advert on any one of the following online car dealer websites they don’t have a commission you just have to become a member.
    Auto Catch
    Used Car Montreal
    Auto 123
    Auto Expert

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    Create a spare email address that you will use to register with the websites. You can get your offers on this email ID. This will help you in keeping track of your offers and an added benefit is that you won’t get any spam on your regular email ID.

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    You will need to prepare all the paperwork for yourself like the liability form and transfer letter of the motorcar you will also need a $20 Used Vehicle Information Package it will be available at

    Point Zero 5 Designated Driver Service

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    Arrange the meeting outside your bank it will be helpful. Take payment only in Cash or open cashier’s check it would be preferred  if you have the buyer deposit the money directly in your account this will also secure the payment of any doubts of fake checks or counterfeit bills.

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    Sign off the transfer letter of the vehicle to the buyer and have him fill out the release of liability form.
    Congratulations you have just sold your car privately.

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