How to Sell Tattoo Designs

There are so many ways to sell tattoos these days. While some are known generally and followed every day, others are not. The latter is actually an opportunity for those, who like to be innovative and try to find out of the box solutions, for selling their designs.

While a few exceptions apart, everyone resorts to online auction, or attend tattoo conventions for reaching the right audience. By doing so, a reasonable price is usually fetched but to say that this is the long-term solution for selling your tattoos artwork is wrong.

The talent of moulding a tattoo design to any way dictated by the customers deserves more than just the handover of the collection to a middleman at peanut. For example, online auctioning websites charge a fee, which naturally lessons the price that could be earned otherwise. Then, if the booths are installed at conventions for promoting tattoo designs before the potential customers, a payment has to be made to the organizers for doing so.

On the other hand, if one leaves the herd and tries to construct ones’ own path, the same tattoos that would sell at a meagre price can ensure hefty profits, that too for a longer time period. Open up your own website and put all the tattoos there for demonstration. Keep them free for visitors in the beginning and earn money through regular traffic on the website.

There is a great probability that the information about your website will spread like a wild fire, once beautifully designed tattoos are offered free. Eventually, a situation will come when you can add tattoos of renowned designers on the website, making visitors pay for them. That will not disappoint them; because those that were made by you will remain free but a fraction of what was being sold through the website of the material of others will come in your bank account.


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    Copyright tattoo designs before selling

    Copyrights of your designs add to the trust of the customers, apart from helping in putting up stalls at those exhibitions where the huge number of buyers come and select tattoos for purchasing.

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    Visit online markets for tattoos selling

    This will make it easy for you to determine an appropriate price of your work. Besides, some knowledge of the kinds of designs that are sold commonly will also be gained, keeping you abreast with the changing market requirements.

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    Attend conventions after reading tattoo magazines

    Keep reading reputed tattoo magazines and pay in advance for installing booths in the exhibition, where designs will be presented before the visitors.

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