How to Take a Family Portrait for Your Christmas Cards

There is little attention paid to the mass-produced standard sized greeting cards available in the market. We receive so many of them with pre-typed greetings and little of personal emotion that the whole reason behind them goes wasted. Your cards should be expressive and should show your true self and emotions for the person you are sending. For those of us who have rejected printed cards and want to make their own customized ones, Christmas time can be a busy one. If you want to send a loved one away from home a family Christmas card, there can be no better idea than including a portrait of all of you together.


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    Choose a time and date when all the family members will be available. Coordinate the calendars and plan accordingly.

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    Set a theme for the photograph. You could all decide on making the same pose or totally different ones. Be creative on this stage and also take tips from other family members. For example, all the members can carry writing boards with alphabets wishing the holiday to those receiving them. Such creative ideas can liven up things and make the card stand out. The dress colours can be coordinated to give a more aesthetically pleasing and planned outlook. The dresses could both either be complemented or be contrasted according to your preference.

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    On the day of the photograph taking, check your camera and its settings in advance. Use the manual for help or any experiences friend for help in getting the right settings so that the photograph is perfect. The settings will depend on the light exposure and background etc. Use camera tricks to make the photograph more creative.

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    Rehearse the positions with the members. Who will stand where and next to whom? What will be the poses and the expressions? Coordinate the heights and make sure that everyone is getting the right exposure.

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    Since you will be a part of the photograph being a family member, place the camera on timer settings and rush back to your designated place. The timer should be long enough for you to settle down. Take multiple pictures so that you can select the best one out of them. Use photo editing software to enhance the effects. Take a print of the photograph and build it into a holiday greeting card with wishes from the family.

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