How to Use Stories to Change the World

Storytelling is an art, the one who knows all the techniques of attracting people for spreading awareness, learning about right and wrong and motivating for a good cause just by writing a few words must be an amazing entity. Stories are easy to tell and do not take much time in spreading all around, especially in this era of technologies. Those stories which have all the ingredients of captivating the attention of people must leave an impact on their minds, which means the purpose of the writing is achieved. These stories have all the necessary and appropriate parts which can help in changing minds and stereotypical thoughts of people, hence in a bigger scenario relying on these stories a change can occur.


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    Stories for kids always have a perfect and happy ending, considering their age we want them to learn what is good and bad or right and wrong through these stories. Stories written for children are short, and carry a strong message. Like if they are reading “Lion King”, they will end up by learning that the right always wins over evil. Such messages in small age help children in living a good life, they will always remember if they do something wrong it will hurt them too or will never make them happy. Thus this little change makes a better society.

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    Motivational stories taken from the lives of achievers, or from the experiences of popular people can attract an enormous quantity of people, which helps in encouraging people to do things what those amazing people did in their lives to bring some positive change in the world. Change does not happen in a glimpse, it takes a lot of time, journey or even lives, but effects of change are visible in the minds. There are many people in history who have brought revolutions, their efforts are still remembered. People learn from their story and try becoming like them in order to bring some betterment in their lives or societies.

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    Bloggers, journalists, writers, film-makers or common people all become the part of bringing change in world by spreading stories all around. They share their experiences along with the story or relate the stories with the present situation, thus helping the people to stand firm for the cause of change.

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