How to View the World Aesthetically

Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy which deals with the principles of artistic taste and beauty. People who possess a keen aesthetic sense see the world from a different angle as compared to others. They are able to observe the natural, often hidden beauty in their surroundings more than those who do not give enough importance to this facet of life and are caught up in the monotony of their everyday routines. For example, you can gauge a person’s aesthetic sense by noticing the interior design of his/her house or observing his/her favourite places to visit.

If your state of mind is dull and dry, and you do not seem to be able to find any kind of motivation or deeper meaning in life, you can try to enhance your aesthetic sense – by awakening this awareness, you will be able to see how beautiful and meaningful the world truly is.


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    Read about the world

    Some people naturally possess an exceptional aesthetic sense, proof of which is reflected in every single aspect of their lives. However, if you are not born with it, and are looking to develop this ability in order to view the world aesthetically, you will need to take things step by step.

    Start by improving and expanding your knowledge about the world, the history of human civilisation, and all the different aspects of life. To develop a true aesthetic sense, it is important to know the history of the world and the evolution of various cultures. Knowing the geography of the world is also crucial if you want to develop an aesthetic sense. Once you are equipped with all this knowledge, you will be in a better position to appreciate the beauty of the world and human life.

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    Establish a connection with old architecture

    Architecture is a unique form of art, and tells many stories about the history of the world and the development and progress of human civilisation - only those with a keen aesthetic sense can truly appreciate the beauty and depth of ancient architecture. In order to develop a heightened aesthetic sense, you can plan visits to historical buildings, temples, forts, and the like - read up on the history of these sites before you go, and once you are there, try to relate to the place and time when it was built.

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    In order to view the world aesthetically, it is imperative that you develop a passion for travelling. This does not mean that you need to spend exorbitant amounts of money; you can simply visit the places that are most accessible to you (e.g. if you are living in the United States of America, you should try to visit all 52 states). If your budget and time allows, you can also  visit other countries when you get the chance. Visiting all these different and unique places will enhance your aesthetic sense, and you will start to see the world from an entirely different perspective.

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    Develop your personality

    It is widely known that people who have deep, mature personalities also  have heightened aesthetic senses. Therefore, in order to develop your personality, you will need to work hard to improve yourself every day. Try not to talk too much, and start enjoying the time you spend in silence and isolation; all this will surely change your way of seeing the world.

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