Vodka Tonic Cocktail Recipe

A Russian invention that was not welcomed too warmly by drinkers in the US at first, vodka has gone on to become one of the most popular and well-known hard liquors in the world. Drunk neat by some and also used as the base for countless drinks, among them the ubiquitous vodka martini, Bloody Mary, Screwdriver, and Moscow Mule, vodka comes in a bevy of brands (such as Grey Goose, Smirnoff, Three Olives Vodka, and Absolut Vodka) and flavours (like mango, raspberry, coconut, green apple, vanilla, blueberry, and even birthday cake), ensuring that drinkers are spoilt for choice. With a colourless appearance, vodka is also odourless, and many claim it is undetectable on the breath (making it the drink of choice for in-the-closet daytime drinkers).

A great way to lift your spirits (pun intended) during a hot summer afternoon, a vodka tonic cocktail is a simple, no-fuss drink that combines vodka with tonic water, adding in a generous squeeze of lime for good measure. The result is a potent and refreshing cocktail that will have you up and about in no time.

Preparation Time: 2-3 minutes
Serving Size: Serves 1 person
Utensils: Highball glass, stirring rod

– 2 oz vodka
– 2 oz tonic water
– Lime or lemon wedges
– Ice cubes


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    Start by taking a highball glass (you can also use a Collins glass for this purpose), and filling it about a quarter of the way with ice cubes. Do not use crushed ice for this purpose, as that will melt far too quickly, and rob your cocktail of its potency.

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    Once the highball glass is packed with ice, proceed to pour in 2 oz of vodka – there are no restrictions regarding this, and you can use any brand and flavour, provided that the vodka you use is of good quality. Stir with a stirring rod, until the ice and the vodka are properly mixed, and the glass takes on a cold, slightly frosted appearance.

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    Next, pour in 2 oz chilled tonic water, squeeze in a bit of lime juice, and stir the drink once again, to blend all the ingredients together. Your vodka tonic cocktail is now ready – serve it on the rocks, with a lime or lemon wedge on the rim of the glass, or floating directly atop the drink.

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