Watermelon Feta and Mint Salad Recipe

Nothing says summer like the juicy sweet vibrant red watermelon water out there. Nothing else beats the heat as well as it does.It tastes great on its own and with variations like this one, it drives off all competition.

We are mixing fresh watermelon with feta cheese, mint and lime juice to get a dish that is so going to drive away the summer thirst. The sweetness of the melon perfectly compliments the saltiness of the cheese and together they are bound to make this dish a special one. Time to get some watermelon from the market, get your hands on some fresh mint and lime and dig out the cheese. Cook smart with less time and great output. Our step by step guide tells you exactly how to do it.

Serving size: 8
Preparation time: 20 minutes (prepare it maximum an hour before serving, you do not want the melon to lose its freshness)
Utensils needed: Large salad bowl, small mixing bowl, knife, spoon


– 7 pound seedless water melon
– 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
– juice of 3 fresh limes
– salt
– freshly ground black pepper
– 1 cup chopped mint leaves
– 1 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese


  • 1

    Cut away the ring of the water melon. Dice it into chunks. Use a colander if you need to get rid of the juice as you cut.

  • 2

    Make the dressing in a small bowl. Combine olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper (according to taste) and whisk them together well to get an even dressing.

  • 3

    Put the watermelon chunks in a large salad bowl. Pour the dressing over it. Sprinkle the mint leaves all over it. Pour the feta over the salad. Stir gently so that the cheese mixes in.

  • 4

    Decorate with whole mint leaves on the top.

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