What Is The Judicial Branch of Government Responsible For

The judicial branch is a branch or department that oversees the legal matters, especially interpretation of state laws, appointment of judges in some countries and also resolving of judicial disputes. The branch can veto laws, which it thinks are violating the constitution of the country. The judicial branch, which in some countries is also known as judicial commission or department, can give recommendations for improvement in certain laws if and when needed.


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    The judicial branch or commission of the government interprets state laws and can reject bills or other legislative instruments if it deems they are violating certain laws or fundamental rights of citizens of a country. It helps governments with its recommendation how it can prepare better legal instruments.

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    The judicial commission or branch also acts to settle judicial, legal or state disputes on different matters while making constitution of the country as the basic guideline. It works as a moderator or arbitrator to settle the disputes.

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    The judicial branch can also check and oversee violations of constitutional limits by any state organ or agency and thereby can recommend penalties and punishment. It can also give its recommendations how an element of fairness and justice is ensured in keeping all organs within boundaries of their powers and limitations.

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    The judicial commission can point out to the government violation of different human rights and fundamental constitutional rights of people or any agency, and also can act itself to make sure these rights are protected. It can recommend the steps to be taken by the government to ensure those rights are protected.

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    In some countries, especially where the judges are appointed, not elected, the judicial commission acts as a nomination agencies to the government.

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    In some cases, the judicial commission or branch helps in determination of guilt of the party that has has been found committing violation of human rights or fundamental rights of any segment of the society.

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    The commission or branch as such acts to keep a check over the legislative bodies or representatives of the country, to make sure they perform their duties within the constitutional guidelines and are not found committing violation of those boundaries.

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