The Four Grades or Stages of Teen Acne

Acne is a condition that occurs to the skin, especially in teens. Teen acne is a topic that not only garners a lot of visits to dermatologists for treatment and skin care specialists for facials; it is also an area that is commonly searched for on the internet.

One of the problems with finding articles about acne on the internet is that people may or may not be educated when it comes to acne. It is important for teens to get information from reliable sources and to understand the differences in the four stages of acne as well.

Acne can cause a person to feel embarrassed, particularly when there are a lot of blemishes or they are inflamed. Hormones, stress and irritation can help trigger acne. There is discussion as to whether food also triggers it.

Acne forms when debris and oils from the skin called sebum become trapped in the pores. The pores become clogged and air can’t reach the bottom. Bacteria can form and puts pressure on the wall of the follicle.

Acne is classified as being in one of four grades. Each grade builds upon the next with the level of activity in the skin.

Grade 1 acne is what is considered a minor breakout. There are a few blemishes, whether blackheads or whiteheads.

Grade 2 acne is when there re more blemishes visible. There may be both open and closed pimples, but there is no inflammation.

Grade 3 acne is the stage where inflammation is now involved. Grade 3 acne will show with many blemishes and the skin will be reddened.

Grade 4 is the final stage of acne, sometimes being called Cystic Acne. Grade 4 acne has many blemishes, the skin is red and inflamed and there are cysts which are deeper.

It is extremely important that you don’t puncture or break the skin by popping these lesions. This can cause scarring to the skin. If you have acne that is bothering you there are options to help you clear it up and prevent future breakouts.

A dermatologist can help you with severe breakouts with medication or topical creams. Estheticians or skin care specialists can help extract the pimples and help to clear your pores of debris.

A good skin care routine at home can make all the difference in your daily life. Washing your face with a mild cleanser twice a day will help keep the skin clear of dirt and debris. Exfoliating the skin with a gentle exfoliant is another way to help keep the skin and pores free of debris. Lastly, remember to choose products that are appropriate for your skin type. Many people use the wrong products and sensitize their skin.

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