How to Apply Sunless Tanner without Streaks

Applying sunless tanner without streaks to yourself without going to salon is possible. However, you have to do it properly. Make sure your body is ready for it, and use scrub to massage it before applying the tanner products. The scrub can remove the dead skin and make the body plain and smooth. Leaving dead skins can cause pigmentation and even lead to streaks, so while applying the tanner will make your body look beautiful, treating dead skin before applying the tanner products is also essential.


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    Exfoliate Your Skin

    You should start with exfoliation of your skin, because applying sunless tanner products on the dead skin can leave you without being tanned at places. So before applying the tanner products use scrub to massage your body for a while. This will remove the dead skins from your body and leave your skin smooth and ready for tanning.

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    Picking Right Tanner Product

    Before picking a tanning product for your body, you should know your body complexion. If your complexion is fair do not start with applying a dark tanner. Instead start with applying a shade that is slightly darker than your body complexion and then go for darker shade.

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    Moisturising Cream

    If you think you have left some dry spots, you can apply moisturising cream to cover them. This will give the dry spot a shade almost similar to the tanner, and will not leave your body untreated either. So make sure you do not leave any part of your body untreated.

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    How To Apply Tanner

    While applying, tanner use circular motion , avoid using straight lines. Use of straight lines can cause zebra like streaks on your body. Also, use of quick circular motion can help the tanner quickly get absorbed in the body, and leaves your body tanned in a single shade.

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    Cleaning Your Hands

    After tanning your body, immediately wash your hands. Do not leave your hands unwashed for a longer period of time, as the tanning product will dry up on the hands and leave its shade. Also, do not touch any food item or drink with the hands soon after tanning, before you wash them.

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