Affordable Custom Chess Tournament Mats

Have you ever gotten bored with the available vinyl tournament mats, and wish there were cooler colors and themes to choose from? Well, now there is! The company Boards of Chess came out with an entire line of custom chess tournament mats! You can choose from a smaller analysis board or a full-size tournament mat. These mats are also available with or without chess notation.

The Site:

Type into your browser window, and check out the cool stuff available! I personally ordered the wooden style mat (pictured in the article photo), and I could not be happier.

Under the company logo, there are links to their chess sets, their custom mats, chess bags and pieces, and even a blog which can be subscribed to and followed, keeping customers up to date on new products and the travel plans of company representatives!

The site is handsome and easy to use, with shopping cart buttons and clear, full pictures of the products. On the chess mat page, the 12″ x 12″ analysis boards can be found on the left hand side, and the full-size, 21″ x 21″ competition tournament mats are on the right. Prices are very fair, and the company is a pleasure to deal with. There is no extra charge for boards with chess notation included.

The Chess Mat:

When I received my oak and maple wood designed vinyl chess mat, I opened the package to find a high quality chessboard that I could use anywhere. This board looks great at home, at the chess club, or at tournaments! I was also extremely happy that the algebraic chess notation was covered on all four sides, yet another feature which sets these mats apart from the rest of the crowd.

The design is also very realistic in appearance, and looks wonderful with my wooden pieces. Both sides of the mat are vinyl, making it an absolute breeze to wash. It rolls up without crinkling or creasing, and even looks great in my tournament bag. Be the first in your club to get one of these custom mats, and wait for the compliments!


Russell Wilgus


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