Bird Shish Kabobs

Wooden skewers or long string
Food leftovers, such as fruit or bread
Peanut butter, suet, or other treats

Some people put out a bird feeder but never do anything else with it. Some people keep the bird feeder stocked with food but that’s it. But for a person who truly loves birds, and wants to spend lots of time watching them, a bird feeding station is really nice. Set up a trellis or other place, and hang a birdhouse, a bird feeder, and other things. At that station, you can set shallow bowls of water on the ground, with the feeder and house hanging over it, and you can put a birdbath right next to the feeding station. Such a setup for the birds will have many of them flocking – and staying – in your backyard. So, while you’re going to the trouble, make the birds some shish kabobs.

Bird shish kabobs are very similar to the ones that we eat. They feature a chunk of this, a piece of that, all on a wooden skewer. Although most people grill or otherwise cook the kabobs, the birds would prefer theirs raw. That’s good; it’s much easier to make shish kabobs for birds if they’re not a big hassle.

When you and members of your family eat do you ever find that you throw away bits and pieces? Someone doesn’t finish his sandwich so the crust goes in the trash. A person cuts up pieces of fruit but doesn’t finish them all; in the trash with a section or a slice. For many people, the tossed food is a natural thing but birds might disagree. They’d be happy to have your leftovers as their main courses.

When you put food scraps on skewers for birds they can feed until you offer the next shish kabob. Some things that you can put on the skewers include strawberries, banana slices, apple chunks, watermelon balls, and other fruit pieces, wadded bread, cereal rings, lettuce pieces, and even homemade stuff. For example, take a leftover biscuit, spread peanut butter on it, and then roll it in birdseed. Do the same with a doughnut hole, a doughnut chunk, a bagel piece, or leftover toast.

Slide the various foods onto a wooden skewer and set it outside for your bird friends. Don’t have any skewers? Tie the pieces onto a long piece of string and hang it between two tree limbs. Occasionally, check the skewer or string, and restock if necessary. Birds will flock to your yard because you have the best diner in town.

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