Dogs Can Have a Social LIfe

Not every dog is small enough to carry around in a purse and use as a fashion accessory. Sadly, medium and large dogs are limited in the places they can go. Unless they are working animals, dogs are pretty much confined to leashes and fences. Don’t big dogs deserve the excitement of a social life too?

Here’s an idea. Instead of just taking your dog for a walk on a leash and down a cement sidewalk, look for dog parks in your area. Often there are places where dogs can run off leashes and mingle with other dogs. Just remember there are dog park rules. Clean up after your dog and make sure they play well with others. Don’t ruin a good thing by being asked to leave or helping the case for grumpy neighbors that want the park to become dog free.

You could throw your dog a party. It sounds like a weird idea but it doesn’t mean dressing the dogs in hats and forcing them to sit around a table and drink tea. Give the dogs a chance to play together in a yard, buy them each a toy for a party favor and give them a chance to be competitive in a game of fetch. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many dogs and make sure all the dogs are friendly with each other to avoid fighting.

There become fewer each year, but there are still drive-in movie theaters around. Why not take your dog with you to the movies. While the dog may not necessarily watch the flick they won’t have to sit home alone while you’re out having fun. Besides what dog doesn’t love a car ride? When searching for a drive-in remember to check their pet policies. Most don’t have a problem with pets but they also need to be cleaned up after and avoid taking dogs that have a habit of barking at everyone they see.

Even if we don’t have money, just browsing can be fun for a person, why not a dog? While you can’t take a dog shopping to just any store you can take a dog to a pet store. Most stores allow their fury consumers to come in and enjoy the store. Give your dog a day out letting them check out the store and maybe even let them pick out a treat. Just remember that you will have to pay for what your dog grabs so don’t take a dog that snatches up everything in sight.

Who doesn’t love a day at the spa? There are quite a few animal groomers that do more than just torture your pets by bathing them. They also give dogs massages, hair brushing and treats. Most dogs would love all the attention that they are provided by pet groomers. It also saves you from bathing your big friend. When checking with local groomers make sure to find out all the services provided for your fee. The cheaper places may not give your puppy all the perks they would enjoy. And don’t worry if you have a big dog that would look silly with fluffed hair and bows, those are optional.

Even giving your dog a little change can be exciting for them. Take your dog to a park with a playground and see what kind of toys they will play on. It can be a little obstacle course for you and your dog. You may want to avoid having a lot of children around. Also don’t force your dog; it could be dangerous for both the dog and yourself. Once again remember to clean up and it’s also a time to make sure your dog doesn’t mark everything insight; children do play on the equipment.
If you are ever taking a road trip and having an overnight stay, why not see about a hotel that accommodates dogs. Just make sure your dog won’t be left in a sweltering car while your vacationing.

Dogs can also have a lot fun camping. Depending on where you’re camping you may be able to take your canine friend. Check campground dog polices and make sure you have a way to keep your dog on your camp sight.

Want to help out a worthy cause and spend time with your dog? If your pal doesn’t mind a crowd and behaves when walking consider taking them with you on a charity walk. They get a chance to be admired by new people and they get a chance to walk a new path if the event is held at a location you don’t normally take your dog.

Also keep an eye out in your local paper. There are often interesting events going on around towns such as trick-or-treating for dogs during Halloween, rawhide egg hunts during Easter and even dog weddings that your best friend can attend. You never know what you’ll find for your pal to do. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even be inspired to plan a dog day event yourself.

No matter what activities you do with your dog it’s important to remember that their whole life revolves around you. They don’t care what you’re doing as long as they get to spend time with you. So even if your canine companion doesn’t seem to notice he’s out on the town, it’s still a chance for you to spend time with your best friend.

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