How to Improve the Concrete Floor in Your New Home

So you finally got the rest of your home to look just the way you want, but when you go out to the porch area, you realize the concrete floor is just not working for you. There are several things that you can do to make your concrete floor look even better. Even if you have lived in your home for a while, you may have finally grown tired of the concrete floor. Well giving it a new look, is really not that difficult.

1. Clean it and smooth it out

Make sure the floor is smooth and dirt free. Just wipe it down as much as possible. Many find that giving the floors a good mopping really helps. Just make sure that you let it dry completely before you do anything else.

2. Painters tape on the border

Putting painters tape around the borders of the room will help to keep the painting of the floor nice and neat. This way whatever color you choose for the floor will only be placed directly onto the floor and no where else.

3. Pick your color

The next step is to take a trip to your local Home Depot, or Leows store, to pick out the color you want for your floor. Remember to choose an oil based paint, since you are covering a concrete floor. If you go with a dark color, one to two applications of paint may work well. If you instead want to go with a lighter color you may need to apply several different coats of paint. I have also learned that using a roller that has a long arm is best for your back when it comes to painting the floors.

4. Read the instructions

Be sure to take the time to read the instructions carefully for applying the paint. The last thing you want to do is ruin your paint job, by walking on it too soon, or trying to move your furniture back in to the room too soon. Be sure to read the instructions to find out how long it is going to take to completely dry it.

5. It all comes together

In the end it will really make your entire room come together when you transform your concrete floor. Once you are ready to move the furniture back into the room you will really see the entire room come together. Just be sure that the furniture you put back in the room matches the new color of the floor. It can take away from the nice floor job if the furniture does not match.

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