J. Deville Imports — Make Your Dream Home a Reality

J. Deville Imports is owned and operated by James and Jill Deville. Maggi Bordelon is their top designer and also manages their showroom in Alexandria, Louisiana. The business was started five years ago out of their home in Central Louisiana. James and Jill have come a long way since then. In April of 2007, they were able to open their first showroom in Alexandria, Louisiana.
With the opening of the showroom, their top of the line web site, and the fact that they make customer satisfaction their top priority, clients are able to make purchases directly from the showroom, online, or even by phone.
What type of products does J. Deville Imports offer? Well, here’s a list:
-Custom Doors and Wood Work
-Cork Floors and Cast Iron Posts
-Standard Wrought Iron
-Antique Brick
-Antique Finished Flooring
-Antique Wood Products
-Antique Beams and Walls
-Cabinets, Doors, and Beams
-Stone Siding
-Granite Tile
-Slate Tile
-Porcelain Tile
-Marble Tile
-Ceramic Tile
And believe it or not, there is more. They are well known for their custom wrought iron, new and antique wood floors and beams, and custom doors, windows, and shutters.
If you would like more information about this spectacular new business in Alexandria, Louisiana you can access the web site at http://www.jdevilleimports.com.