Overview of San Nicolas Dorm at UC Santa Barbara

Location of San Nicolas on Campus

San Nicolas Dormitory (often referred to by students as San Nic) is one of the five on-campus residence halls at UCSB. It is located on the western side of campus, in between the De La Guerra and Ortega dinning commons, and just a short walk away from Campus Point/the beach.

How San Nicolas is Organized

San Nicolas is one of the two high-rise dorms on campus (the other being San Miguel). San Nicolas has two elevators, three staircases, and eight floors. Each of the floors have two wings (making the building an L-shaped building). The building houses approximately 400 students (about 50 on each floor), all of which are freshman (except for the Resident Assistants). There is one Resident Assistant on each floor. The floors are all co-ed (except for the eighth floor which is all women), with men on one wing and women on the other. Each floor has one single room per wing, all the other rooms being doubles.

What’s in the Dorm Room

All rooms and hallways in San Nicolas are carpeted.
Rooms are cleaned by housekeeping staff once every other week.

Single rooms contain:
An extra-long twin mattress/bed (that can be lofted, bunked, or lowered to whatever height is desirable)
A built-in closet (which has a full-length mirror and a shelf)
A recycling bin
A trash can
A desk (with a shelf, a desk light, and three drawers)
A desk chair
Two windows

Double rooms contain:
Two extra-long twin mattresses/beds (which can be lofted, bunked, or lowered to whatever height is desirable)
Two built-in closets (each has a full-length mirror and a shelf)
A recycling bin
A trash can
Two desks (each with a shelf and desk light)
Two desk chairs
Two windows

What’s in the Lounge

The lounge is cleaned daily by housekeeping staff.

Each floor has it’s own lounge. The lounges are all carpeted. In each lounge there are two or three tables with chairs, two armchairs, two sofas, a trash can, a paper towel dispenser, multiple recycling bins, a microwave, an oven, a stove, and a sink.

What’s in the Bathroom

The bathroom is cleaned daily by housekeeping staff.

Each floor has two bathrooms (one for men and one for women). The bathrooms have tiled floors. In each bathroom there are three toilet stalls, five sinks, five shower stalls, a trash can, and a paper towel dispenser.

Interest Floors

There are certain interest floors in each of the different dorms. In San Nicolas there are two interest floors:
3rd Floor – Scholars Floor
5th Floor – Asian/Pacific Islander Studies Floor

There is also the 8th floor, which is an all women’s floor, however this is not an interest floor.


San Nicolas was renovated in the summer of 2007.

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