Reduce Those High Heating Bills This Year

Are you spending a lot of money to heat your house? Are you trying to figure out ways to stay warm as well as to not pay an arm and a leg for warmth in your home? What can we do when the prices of fuel are rising daily?

Look at duct leaks, weather strip and do necessary caulking in the appropriate areas. Seal off your air leaks. Walk around the home and do a nice inspection to give yourself an evaluation. This can actually be a fun family project to get the kids away from video games for half an hour. Fiberglass insulation can really pay off in the long run.

Examine each window in every room in your home to see if the drapery, blinds and other coverings are practical . Since air leaks around windows are a big problem, this is important to study closely . Once you evaluate this, combine aesthetics with good sense.

Look at ways you can conserve. Wearing a thick sweater makes sense though obviously you don’t want to walk around your home in a winter coat. Get slippers and this will help your body stay warm. If various rooms in your home have their own thermostats then adjust them depending on your usage.

Your water heater may not be efficient if it’s several years old. Look at it and see if you can save more money getting a newer version that has a higher efficiency rating. You can ask around about this since it can make a substantial difference in your bills.

Look at the angle of the sun during the day in relation to each room in your house. You may be keeping blinds and curtains closed when the sun is warmly gracing the room. Open the curtains and let it in to get the benefits.

Do you qualify for the low income energy assistance program (LIEAP)? Find out if you may be eligible for that program. This program is dependent on your income so inquire into your qualifications.

Are your kids doing their homework and hanging out after school in the living room, dining room and kitchen? If so, why heat up their bedrooms from 3-9 pm? Save money and then give the kids heat when they get into bed.

If your attic insulation is poor then the heat will be going right out the top. This is such a waste so consider redoing the insulation to keep the heat inside. Remember that warm air rises and you lose the money you spend on heat if you have no insulation in the attic.

By using low flow showerheads you can save on the hot water usage in your home. This in turn reduces the bill. Don’t forget that if you use a gym you can take your showers there after the workout. You are paying a lot for that gym membership so take advantage of it. But don’t be extreme. If you need to shower at home do that!

Implement just a few of these tips and you will be on your way to save money this year on your heating bills which you can use for other things you enjoy to do. can use for other things you enjoy to do.

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