Tips on Cleaning Your New Apartment

I think we have all been there; move in to a new place that looks like a bomb went off. The smell is horrible but we all know there has to be something half way decent under that mess. My last move I had to really pull out all the stops as the last tenant did not believe in cleaning. Below is a list of very helpful tools that I hope you try!

1. Magic Sponges will become your best friend! Magic Sponges really do what they say they will do; remove marker and crayon off walls, soap scum, vinyl window frames, and even those tough grease spots on the stove!! Want to deodorize and clean, instead of dampening the sponge with water use vinegar and rinse it out with vinegar too!

2. Your second best friend should be Kaboom! Kaboom cleans the toughest tubs and showers. My tub was beyond gross but after a couple of rounds of Kaboom-it looks like new!

3. Febreeze really helps with smell and really does neutralize odors. It works in the air, on soft surfaces, and hard surfaces.

4. Not all of us can afford to have our carpets cleaned but baking soda can really help up. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and let it sit for a few hours then vacuum.

5. Have hard spots that don’t want to come up-mix a few tablespoons of salt with vinegar and watch out! This mixture also works great with metals and polishing copper.

6. So the place is smelly, open those windows if you can, if not place bowls of vinegar in each room for a few days, it really neutralizes smells.

7. Have wood work that is chipped or scratched? There are these wonderful furniture polishes with stain! I took out all those annoying scratches without having to refinish everything.

8. If you have a central heating system make sure to take off those wall vents and soak in hot soapy water; vacuum out the vents as best as possible.

9. Some apartments have a heating system that needs a filter; look into a purchasing a charcoal filter because it neutralizes odors.

10. Baking soda boxes in closets, the fridge, and bottom of the trash also help keep things fresh.

11. A bowl of lemons are a great table center piece but they also cut grease and soap scum as well-cut one in half and go at it!

12. Taking down light fixtures and soaking in hot soapy water can really bring back that original shine while cleaning at the same time. When the light is off spray the bulb with your favorite scent. When you turn the light on it will heat up that scent and make things homey.

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