Tips on How to Study in School so You Will Succeed!

Of course, everyone wants to make good grades when they attend high school and college. And, the answer to making those grades is to study hard. Unfortunately, that’s one course they don’t teach in high school. It’s rather ironic that you’re sometimes expected to achieve without the vital tool you need: tips on how to study in school so you will succeed.

Everyone is different, that’s a given. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. But, there are some general tips to study in school that help students make good grades and succeed.

The first tip to succeed is planning. And, if you want to study in school so you will succeed, you’ll need to plan. You’ll need to set a certain amount of time aside to study in. By scheduling your study sessions, that will help keep your mind focused on your educational priority.

The amount of time you’re going to set aside every day is up to you. Only you can know how much time you need to study in. If you are taking six subjects in school, for example, you may need decide to study for three hours a day. That would give you thirty minutes for each subject. If one course is harder than the rest, then you can devote more time to that particular subject.

However you schedule your study time, don’t just squeeze it in. Don’t plan on going through your day and then studying late at night, for example. Make time for everything you need to do. If you want to succeed in school, then don’t put your education at the bottom of your priority list.

Now that you have your schedule planned, you’ll need to decide where you’re going to study at. The best places to study in are at libraries or in your own personal room. Wherever you choose, make sure it’s quiet and conducive to your studying.

When you sit down to begin studying your class subjects, make sure you have everything you need at the start. This will include items such as textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, et cetera. If you want to succeed, don’t waste your valuable time searching for items you need to study with.

Here is another tip: one of the easiest ways to study in school so you will succeed, is called the “Repetition Method”. I know this method works because one of my closest friends in high school was the Valedictorian of our class. How did he achieve such academic success? Eric used the “Repetition Method”. He learned it from his mother who was a teacher and a librarian.
Eric copied and recopied his notes from school over and over again until he felt he had the material mastered. He didn’t have a computer, so he used a pen and notebook paper.

Everyone knows that learning is basically remembering and recalling facts. But, learning is also understanding information. Eric just didn’t memorize, he made sure he understood the material too. He participated in class discussions. And, he asked his teachers questions. By using the “Repetition Method”, Eric not only succeeded in high school, but he excelled in college as well.

Another valuable tip concerns taking notes in school during class time. The easiest way to organize your notes is to write them down in one or more spiral notebooks. Write them neatly so you can easily read them when you study. When questions pop into your mind when you’re reading or studying material, jot down your questions in your notebooks so you’ll remember to bring them up in class.

And, when you read the material you’re studying, if at all possible, use a highlighter to mark important facts, dates, and other information you need to know. (You can highlight in only books you own.) Underlining the information with an ink pen is a thing of the past. Research shows that using highlighters to make the important material you need to know stand out helps you remember it better.

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