Top Ten Songs by MercyMe

10. Cannot Say Enough
“Cannot Say Enough” is a very simple tune that has just five lines that MercyMe repeats throughout the song. Normally I don’t like praise and worship songs that just repeat a chorus over and over again but this is one of the few exceptions. Plus I think it fits the song well, in the song they state that no words are enough to describe God so it’s as if the bands decides “well since we can’t say enough, let’s not try” and instead they just raise their arms in praise and sing Hallelujah.

9. Beautiful
The song “Beautiful” comes from MercyMe’s album The Worship Project. The album is a little less unknown than their other CDs because at the time they were under an independent label. Some of the songs on The Worship Project were recorded again for their bigger albums; like “Cannot Say Enough” and “I Can Only Imagine”, but unfortunately “Beautiful” never was. The song talks about how we can achieve real beauty on our own but if we accept Christ his blood will wash us of our sins and clean our heart and soul and make us beautiful.

8. I Worship You
You know the kind of great mood you’re in when you think you’ve met the girl of your dreams? You have a lot of energy, you can’t stop smiling and there’s nothing that is going to ruin your day. That’s kind of the feeling I get from this song except that lead singer Bart Millard isn’t in love with a girl but he’s in love with God. Most of the songs by MercyMe that I feel are the best are ballads but this one is the exception it’s very upbeat and happy and I often find myself tapping my foot along with the song. The lyrics basically say that we can’t live without God, he is everything and we will worship him for it.

7. Word of God Speak
Often Christians will be going through a hard time and will not know what to make of things, they can’t think of the right thing to do or the right thing to say. The perspective of the singer is someone in this position. He doesn’t know what to do so he asks for God’s Word to speak to him.

6. If I Could Just Sit With You a While
Everything is rush rush rush these days. People run around like chickens with their heads chopped off. Every once in a while it’s nice to just stop doing everything, find a nice quiet place where there are no parents or children screaming and you can’t hear the radio or television. That’s exactly what this song is about. To have a good relationship with God sometimes you need to find a quiet place off by yourself and just sit with him a while.

5. Spoken For
“Spoken For” is the title track from MercyMe’s second wide released album in 2002. The music in the song “Spoken For” is a simple acoustic guitar strumming, but it’s not at all boring but instead very soothing. Millard sings about how you should give up your world to God. Once you do that, your heart will belong to Jesus, he will speak for you, and you won’t have any more worries.

4. In You
“In You” is another soft simple song. Millard sings about how everything we need is found in God. He gives us hope, he gives us strength, he gives us peace, and he gives us grace. He makes the blind see, he makes the lame walk, and he’s our shelter and our resting place

3. The Promise
“The Promise” is a little bit different than the rest of MercyMe’s songs. All their other songs are from the perspective of the listener, speaking to God. But in “The Promise” the perspective is of God, speaking to us. It’s a very beautiful song about how much God loves us. God wants us to come to him with our problems; he desires to just hold us and let us cry on his shoulder and tells us that he will always be there for us.

2. Everything Impossible
“Everything Impossible” is another one of MercyMe’s few upbeat songs. “Everything Impossible” talks about people’s inability to understand God. The world teaches us to think practically, they teach us to believe science over faith. But Millard sings that even though he can’t see God he knows he exists and he doesn’t care if it makes him seem illogical or unintelligent to the world.

1. I Can Only Imagine
“I Can Only Imagine” is easily MercyMe’s most popular song and probably my favorite song by any artist. In “I Can Only Imagine” Bart Millard wonders what it will be like when we get to heaven and see God. It encourages a lot of thought and imagination because we all have a different idea of what heaven will be like and yet it’s going to be even one hundred times better than what we can imagine. The truth is we can’t imagine, we can’t even fathom what it’s going to be like, but it still brings a great joy to imagine what it will be like.

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