Treat, Conceal and Get Relief from Red Face

Some people choose the Gothic look for their face – pale or white, and others choose to have a nice, tanned face, but rarely does anyone choose to have a red face. Red is not the best color for the face – especially for a woman. There are many conditions that cause a person to have a red face, or red areas on the face, but many can be treated and some can simply be concealed.

We all know that being in the sun too long can cause serious sunburn but some people can stay in the sun only a few minutes before their faces begin to turn red. Whether you can stay hours in the sun, or just minutes, always apply SPF15 sun screen before going outdoors. Sure, most people wear sun screen at the beach but people that often go outside, or pass between buildings all day during the course of their job, need to apply sun screen as well.

To prevent redness from occurring while outdoors at, say, a sporting event, wear a hat and drink plenty of water. The hat will help limit the sun’s rays to your face and lessen the redness that occurs from sun exposure. The water will keep you cooler and helps regulate body temperature, and therefore, skin tone of the face.

Broken capillaries are another problem that some women face. Although there really is no treatment for broken capillaries, the little red “road map” lines stand out like a sore thumb. To avoid broken capillaries stay indoors or in the shade as much as possible. Wear a medium to full-coverage foundation to hide the redlines.

Some people are naturally fair complected and that can cause redness in various areas of the face. Redheads, in particular, can experience redness around the mouth, forehead, cheeks and jaw line. There’s really nothing you can do about your skin tone but to cover red patches, use a medium to full-coverage base makeup or foundation. These work wonders to conceal redness and give your face an all-over even tone.

If you’re one of those people that gets red cheeks when embarrassed, laughing, or angry, you’ll find it difficult to find a quick-fix for the problem. Instead, start each day by applying under-eye concealer – the type that has a green-tinted base – to the cheek area. Apply your normal foundation over the concealer and your cheeks will no longer look red.

Red, raw blemishes haunting you? There are plenty of over-the-counter medications which will help you get rid of acne, but to take the red away now, try Visine. Visine has been used by professionals for many years. It works to immediately get rid of the unsightly redness which often accompanies pimples. If you don’t wear makeup try using the Visine several times throughout the day.

If your red face simply won’t be concealed or healed you could have a condition called rosacea. Rosacea can show on any part of the face but is normally seen on the cheek area. Some aggravating causes can be a change in temperature, wine or coffee, and hot baths or showers. Ask your physician about medicines like tetracycline that will give you some relief from the reddening.

You don’t have to walk around with a red face anymore. There are fabulous new makeup lines that cover ever type of blemish, and treatments that can spell relief for some people. Avoid too much sun, drink plenty of water and try some of the tips listed here to lose the red – you’ll be glad you did.

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