Wands in Harry Potter: Celtic Trees and Their Properties

According to her website, JK Rowling says that she determined that the wood that her main character’s wands would be made from the trees their birthdays were associated with on the Celtic lunar calendar. She determined the material of other character’s wands by the characteristics associated with the wood they were made of. Following is a list of the thirteen trees of the Celtic calendar along with a few others mentioned in the novel and the characteristics associated with each wood.

The birch tree is associated with people born between December 24th and January 20th. The birch tree is associated with the cycle of birth and rebirth and also with purity.

Rowan is the tree of individuals born between January 21st and February 17th. It is associated with magic and intuition.

Ash is associated with wisdom and it is the tree of people born from February 18th to March 17th. Ron Weasley’s wand was made of ash.

Alder trees are associated with people born between March 18th and April 14th. Alder is characterized by the qualities of defense and intuition.

Individuals born between April 15th and May 12th are associated with the willow tree. Willows are associated with intuition and healing. Lily Potter had a willow wand.

Hawthorn trees are associated with individuals born between May 13th and June 9th. Hawthorn is associated with the earth and also with the scent of death. Draco Malfoy’s wand was made of Hawthorn.

Oak trees are the tree of people born between June 10th and July 7th. Oaks are characterized by strength and loyalty. Hagrid’s original wand was made from oak.

People born between July 8th and August 4th are associated with the holly bush. Holly has many protective qualities and is associated with life and regeneration. Harry Potter’s wand was made of holly.

Hazel trees are associated with people born between August 5th and September 1st and are associated with creativity and wit.

Individuals born between September 2nd and September 29th are associated with the vine. Vines are associated with creativity and tenacity. Hermione Granger’s wand was made of vine.

Ivy is associated with individuals born between September 30th and October 27th. Ivy is associated with wisdom.

Reeds are associated with people born between October 28th and November 24th. Reeds have protective qualities and are associated with a desire for the truth.

The elder tree is associated with individuals born between November 11th and December 23rd. The elder is the wood of the Deathstick in Book 7. Elder is associated with death and sorrow.

Not on the Celtic calendar is the yew tree, which Voldemort’s wand was made out of. Yews have poisonous traits which are associated with death, but the yew is also associated with long life.

Other woods that wands were made out of include: mahogany (James Potter), walnut (Belatrix Lestrange), cherry (Neville Longbottom), and elm (Lucius Malfoy).

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