Difference Between Cost Benefit and Cost Effectiveness

Cost Benefit and Cost Effectiveness are two different terms and it is important to understand how they are different from each other when decision making or quick evaluation of a project or course is required. Feasibility of the project, value, assets, profitability, cost effectiveness and cost benefit must be performed to determine if it can convert into success. Both cost effectiveness and cost benefit also help decision makers compare various options and choose the best course of action. Although cost benefit and cost effectiveness have a number of similarities, there are also key differences between them in terms of how and when they are measured. Essentially, cost benefit is a function that is used to detail the costs and benefits of any project. This type of evaluation helps the project manager in the decision making process, thereby identifying the right course of action. Cost effectiveness looks into the additional costs that can incur to amplify the effectiveness of the project.


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    Cost benefit

    Typically, all the revenues and benefits are added up to carry out a cost benefit analysis on the project. Decision making process can be made considerably easier by choosing the right methods of cost benefit analysis. The purpose of performing cost benefit analysis is to increase productivity for improved investment opportunities and other business related activities. Furthermore, it also helps the decision maker identify areas of the project that can result in additional costs and expenses. It is recommended to compute the net value of the business. Improving the benefits while reducing the costs can help the owners get the maximum return on their investments.

    Cost benefit analysis is performed to determine if the business is viable and feasible. Cost benefit analysis on more than one project is performed to find out which project gives better return on investment. Companies, governments or even a skilled individual can do a cost benefit analysis before making important financial decisions.

    - Image courtesy: huffingtonpost.com

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    Cost effectiveness

    Cost effectiveness analysis requires the experts and financial assistants to looks into the results and benefits obtained by spending money on a certain project. Healthcare benefits are usually based on cost effectiveness analysis that looks into the benefits obtained by assigning value to a particular project. By identifying the parameters effecting the growth and profitability of a business, owners can work on their weaknesses to avoid financial losses.

    - Image courtesy: tutorsonnet.com

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