Difference between E Coli and Salmonella

E Coli and Salmonella are considered very harmful bacteria that are usually the cause of food poisoning. These two forms of bacteria can make our daily meals can cause a lot of problems for your digestive system once they take hold. E Coli is more common than Salmonella and is often called gram negative bacteria in biological terms. E coli can also be called facultative anaerobic bacterium. Salmonella belongs to non-spore forming bacterial genus of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Both bacteria are relatively common and can be found almost everywhere.


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    E Coli

    E Coli is a more common bacterium than Salmonella which causes serious food poisoning in food. Its scientific name is gram-negative bacteria. The red shaped E Coli is facultative anaerobic bacterium while its scientific notion is presented as Escherichia coli or E. coli. These types of bacteria prefer living in warm blooded animals. Usually they live in the posterior intestine of the endothermic region. Though these bacteria cause serious food poisoning in food but since they live in the intestines they are often considered to be harmless. The existence of dangerous and pathogenic strains makes E Coli notorious for ruining food and making conditions ripe for poisoning. Many biologists say that since E Coli is only dangerous due to spreading food poisoning, it should not be considered a potential threat to the existence of humans. To produce gut flora is also a characteristic of E coli. This substance can also be found in up to 30% of some bird species.

    - Image Courtesy: healthtap.com

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    Salmonella belongs to non-spore forming bacterial genus of Enterobacteriaceae family and its biological name is nomenclature. Salmonella has also thousand of subspecies. It is also considered to be a very bad bacterium that causes food poisoning. Like Salmonella, S. bongori and S. enteric are also the same kinds of bacteria. This particular bacterium also falls in a category that grows very fast and often considered to be an ever growing organism. Unlike E Coli, Salmonella is not at all friendly with warm blooded animals. Due to this bacterium, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and food-borne illness can occur. Pathogenicity of Salmonella is much higher than other dangerous bacteria.

    - Image Courtesy: jacksonvillepersonalinjurylawyerblog.com

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