Difference between Nepal and India

Nepal and India are two neighbouring countries in South Asia and both of these counties are lying with the Himalayan range of mountains. There are a few similarities between these two countries are different in almost all major aspects. India is territorially a very big country and has a huge population whereas Nepal is a small country having small population. Nepal’s most part comprises on mountain regions while India is a diverse country geographically. There are many other differences like culture, language, currency, religion, economy and development of education. Keep reading to learn more about Nepal and India.


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    Nepal is a small country which has no borders with the sea and is surrounded by land from all sides. It has the longest border with India from east, west and south and is attached with China from the north. Nepal was a monarchy but it has become a democratic state in the recent times. This small country has huge mountain ranges and has 8 out of top 10 highest peaks in the world that makes it a prominent country in the world. Nepal is growing with a steady pace and after becoming a democratic state, the development in education sector is also going well. Nepal is officially a Hindu country and has a rich local culture. Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, is one of the most visited places for spectators. It is the heaven for hikers because it has world’s largest mountain ranges.

    Image courtesy: gettyimages.com

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    India is a big country not only in territory but also in population as it is the second largest populated country in the world. It is the biggest democracy in the world having a strong governmental structure. India has a very strong and rich culture and a booming economy that has made it one of the fastest growing countries in the world in all aspects. India has a rich environment having all seasons and also has mountains, deserts, agricultural land, rivers and also has a long border with sea. India has progressed incredibly well in the field of education, science and technology that has earned it a respectable position in the world. India is a secular country but Hindus are in huge majority whereas Muslims are the largest in minorities. Sikh and people from many other religions also dwell in India and it offers a diverse culture in this country.

    Image courtesy: gettyimages.com

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