Goodbye Email to Customers

If you are closing your business or moving it, your customers should be kept in the loop. Most businesses keep a list of their customers and their contact information for promotional campaigns, and if you have one, you should roll out a goodbye email to your customers.

Here we will show you how to write a goodbye email to your customers and also provide a sample and a template for reference.

Tips for Writing a Goodbye Email to Your Customers

  • Keep the email friendly and cordial
  • Clarify why you have decided to close down the business
  • Appreciate the support and loyalty you received
  • Invite any concerns before signing off


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    Sample of a Goodbye Email to Customers

    Subject: It’s time to bid farewell

    Dear Harry Fast Food fans,

    The past 3 years have been a great journey for us, starting from a mere burger junction to a complete fast food chain and we have grown considerably, with over 5 franchises in different states.

    Unfortunately, we have been forced to close down our Nevada franchise due to circumstances beyond our control. As much as we love each and every loyal foodie of ours, at the end businesses run on profit, and we have been struggling with our Nevada franchise for the past 15 months.

    At the moment, the best move for us would be to focus on the remaining four franchises in our chain and strive even harder to deliver the quality all our fans have come to expect from us.

    Maybe in the future, once we bounce back, we can reconsider opening up our Nevada franchise.

    Till then, we’d like you to remember us.

    Thank you for being our customers.


    Gary Matthews

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    Template of a Goodbye Email to Customers

    To: [Email addresses of recipients]
    Subject: [Time to say goodbye/Farewell]

    Dear [Name of the recipient/customers],

    I am writing to you with some sad news. Unfortunately, we have been forced to close/move our (Business type/name) from (Location/state/city) due to (Reason for closing or moving).

    While it has been an absolute pleasure to have loyal customers like you, we can’t continue operating in (location/state/city) any longer.

    We will be officially closing/moving on (Last working date) and wanted to say goodbye to the customers who showed us the most love.

    Thank you once again for staying with us, continuing to come back and remaining loyal despite any ups and downs.

    We wish you all the very best in the future.

    Best regards,

    [Your Name]
    [Company Name]

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