How to Analyze a Scene in a Film

Films are made up of scenes. If you are a film student, you may have to analyse many scenes of certain movies to get the proper understanding about filmmaking. Analysing a scene in a film involves a lot of effort as you have to keep a lot of things in your mind while doing that. If you are looking forward to analyse any scene in a film, you can take help from the given steps.
Things required:
– Movie of your choosing (VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray)
– Writing utensil
– A VCR, a DVD/Blu-ray player, or a computer with a media player
– Paper
First of all, you have to study and understand all the characters which are involved in the scene. Knowledge about the characters is the most important things to take into account while analysing any particular scene. You cannot analyse a scene correctly if you don’t understand the characters. In addition, you also have to identify the strong and the weak characters in the scene. Keep your eye on every single person who is appearing on the screen in the scene and don’t draw your attention towards any particular person. In this way, you will be able to create a thorough understanding about the scene.
After analysing the characters, you have to understand the social setup of the scene. You cannot create a sound understanding any filmmaker’s work until you know the social setup of the scene. The social setup can be political, social, economical or religious.
You must pay special attention to the dialogues in the scene. Sometimes, dialogues are not enough as you also have to note down the expressions of the characters to create a firm understanding about everything.
It is extremely important for you to take the essential notes about the characters, social setup, dialogues and expressions which have been shown in the screen. You can note down the things on simple piece of paper by using a pen. You can also draw images or diagram to correlate and study the pattern of things in the scene.
Some scenes are really difficult to analyse as they are being portrayed in a different manner. If you can’t understand anything in the scene, you can take help from your instructor or any other filmmaker.