How To Apply Black Hair Extensions

Using hair extensions is currently one of the famous methods of creating different types of hairstyles, without using wigs or waiting for months to grow your hair. Hair extensions are excessively used by women to increase the overall length of the hair. In the meantime, many women also prefer using highlights and shades on the extensions, rather than on their original hair. Therefore, using extensions is a perfect way to avoid chemicals to be used on the hair.

There are a number of ways by which you can add extensions to your hair. Among all the methods created so far, pole method is known as one of the easiest and durable way of adding extensions. Pole method will allow you to use the extensions for around six to seven weeks. Therefore, if you plan to go on a party or just want a change in your hairstyle by adding extensions, you do not need to go to your hairstylist. In fact, you can do it at your home easily. So, do not hesitate and pick your extensions and start weaving it with your original hair.


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    Select the extensions and threads:

    Go to a nearby cosmetics shop, where you can find different types of hair available. Here, you will want to use black here. However, do not pick the black hair without matching them with your own, as there are different shades in black colour too. When you find the right extensions, buy threads that will be used to tie the extensions with your original hair. Moreover, the colour of the threads should also be similar to the colour of the hair. For each track that you plan to create with the extensions, you must have three threads.

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    Adding extensions:

    Divide your hair in small locks and create small braids of the locks created, by using a small section of the thread. This will be used as the base of the extension, or “pole”.  The pole will allow your hair to keep away from damage, as the extensions will hand from the scalp of your hair.

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    Weaving the extensions:

    Use curved needles to sew the extensions with the base you created. Take a small piece of thread and wrap it around the joint you created. Then insert the curved needle into the joint to strengthen it. At the end, lay a track against the pole and wrap the thread over the joint and make it tight. The whole process should be repeated for all the locks you created in the beginning.

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