How to Be Nice To Your Wife

Marriage is a sacred bond that joins a man and wife until eternity. Due to the films, a lot of people get an impression that marriage is the end. However, it is only the beginning of a long and beautiful ride. Yes, there will be plenty of ups and downs, but you can make the ups last longer and downs disappear faster through sincere and genuine efforts.

If you, the husband, want your marriage to last longer and filled with happiness and joy, it is imperative for you to please your wife by being nice to her and taking good care of her.


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    If your wife wants to talk to you, listen. Communication is a two-way process, but sometimes it is a good move to compromise on your right to talk so that your better half gets more time to speak. It is a universal fact that women love to talk. Just because she is your wife has not changed her gender or stripped her of characteristics that she shares with her kind. If your wife is in a mood to talk, leave whatever you are doing and divert your attention to her. Your willingness to listen should be obvious, as this will serve to encourage her to keep talking.

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    Women love to receive compliments. Do not expect your wife to be an exception. It does not cost you any money to remind your wife how beautiful she is. If she dresses up for an outing with you, it would just take you two to three seconds to tell her that she is looking ravishing. When you sit down for dinner, compliment her cooking. These are just small things that can give her immense pleasure and her ego a huge boost.

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    Surprise your wife with a gift everyone once in a while. It does not necessarily have to be something really expensive, since it is not the gift but actually the thought behind it that really counts. However, make sure you get your wife something that she likes. Do not end up getting something for her that you like.

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    Remind your wife about your feelings for her by being affectionate to her. Give her a hug before you leave for work in the morning and after you return home. Hold her hands while you two are in the park or at the movies. Play with her hair while sitting in the lounge watching TV. There are hundreds of ways to show affection.

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    Surprise your wife by doing something special for her. Wake up early on a Sunday to cook breakfast and serve it to her in bed. Get up early on a day off from work and wash the utensils, clean the house and do other chores before she gets up.

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