How to Become a Better Listener

Being a good listener is a skill required in many situations but possessed by few. Your listening skills can have a great effect on your private and professional life. You need to keep paying attention to what is said when you are with your spouse, co-worker, boss, friends etc. if you want to be a good listener, you need to make a conscious effort for it. The article below gives useful tips on how to improve your listening skills. Learning how to become a better listener will also open up doors of opportunity for you by hearing and understanding more.


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    Avoid multi tasking

    Now a days we are all busy in our routines and seldom pay full attention to what someone is saying. We are doing multiple tasks at the same time: checking mails, surfing the net, texting etc. When somebody comes to talk to us, we are not able to give them the required attention. If someone is discussing a sensitive topic, it will be disrespectful to take him/her for granted; you will not be able to give them complete advice if you do so. So close all the distractions and focus on the speaker.

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    Be Present

    Your physical presence is not enough; you need to be mentally present. Just nodding your head, when the other person is talking is not enough. Do not stay engrossed in your own thoughts; try to follow what the other person is saying because you may need to contribute to the conversation. If you do not listen attentively, your comments will be very off the line and the other person will feel offended. Some of the ways to keep your mind at peace is to meditate or daily take some alone time for yourself.

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    Let the other person speak

    If you really want to contribute to the conversation, be patient. Let the other person speak and express himself before you pitch in. if you interrupt earlier in the conversation, the other person might have to hold back some of the comments.

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    Ask some questions

    Questioning is very important during a conversation. They are valuable because they clear out any misunderstandings and also there is some information the other person may not be sharing. When you ask questions, it shows that you are genuinely interested in the conversation. This way you can bond more and have a better equation.  When you ask questions, you are less prone to assuming things. You will be more open to understanding the other person’s opinion and less likely to have self made opinions in your mind.

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