How to Drive in Belgium

Belgium has requirements for driving similar to other European countries. For example, you are required to have international driving license to be able to drive in the country, although European license will do as well. Also, you will have to observe all other traffic and safety rules. In addition, the vehicle you are driving should have insurance and all other fitness certificates, even if you are covered by an international or travel insurance cover. You will not be spared on violation of rules and regulations of the country while driving.


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    Age Requirement

    You should be at least 18 years of age to be able to drive in Belgium, even if you are allowed to drive in your own country and have an international driving license.

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    Driving License

    You should have an international driving license or permit to be able to drive in Belgium. If you have European license, that should also be enough. However, being an international visitor you should have an international driving permit that is valid for a year.

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    Speed Limits

    You should know different speed limits for different roads. The speed limit for rural areas is 50 kilometers per hour (KPH), for areas near schools, it is 30 KPH. On national roads, it is 70 to 90 KPH and for highways, it is 120 KPH. Exceeding limit can land you in trouble with law.

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    Insurance Cover

    Make sure the car you are taking on rent have an insurance cover. Driving a vehicle without license is not allowed and you should not even think of that. There is huge fine and other penalties on driving a vehicle without insurance.

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    Vehicle Registration

    The vehicle you are going to drive should have proper registration with local vehicle registration department. It should display the local registration plate and you should carry registration documents with you.

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    Vehicle Fitness

    Make sure that your vehicle has fitness documents. Driving a vehicle with some defects is illegal in Belgium and you can land yourself in trouble with law in that case. The vehicle might also be confiscated, although you might get away with, if the vehicle has been rented out and you do not know of the fitness details.

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    Traffic and Safety Rules

    In addition, you should observe all safety and traffic rules and guidelines. For example, wear safety belt while driving and secure your children properly in the vehicle. Also, do not attempt to trespass the traffic signals or commit violation such as overtaking another vehicle in the restricted area. Make sure you also display parking sticker on the vehicle at the time of parking it in a charged parking area.

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