How to Drive to the Leaning Tower of Pisa from Florence

Driving to the leaning tower of Pisa from Florence is not that hard. Many tourists do this everyday and enjoy the beauty of both cities. From Florence to Pisa, you can also see the utmost beauty of Italy’s many villages and small towns. Pisa is also one of Italy’s towns that is famous for its leaning tower. For over the years Pisa tower of Italy has become a popular destination for tourists. People travel to Italy every year and visit the Pisa tour. If you want to drive to the Leaning Tower of Pisa from Florence then follow these guidelines.


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    Taking the toll road A11

    Taking the toll road A11 (Autostrada del Mare) is a very good idea to start your journey. This road is smooth and linked with various other roads. Though it is very important that you should keep going on A11 Autostrada del Mare road, but at the same time you can also go from a different road. The northwest bound direction is basically the right path that you need to follow to reach Pisa.

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    Passing toll

    On the way, you will see toll on both sides of road. Pass the toll as the highway will start from there onwards that basically is going towards westbound direction.

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    Turning left onto SS1

    On the way, turn left onto SS1 via Aurelia. Make sure that your direction is west and from that very direction, you need to make a left turn. Though you will find many sign boards which will certainly tell you about the maximum level of your vehicle’s speed, but in-case you do not know, always try to drive at nominal speed of 5.4 miles.

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    Turning left onto Lungarno Cosimo I dei Medici

    As soon as you reach Lungarno Cosimo I dei Medici, make a right turn from there and move toward Piazza de Terzanaia road. Keep driving until you will reach Via Cesare Battisiti. Continue driving on this road as it will lead you towards main road of Pisa.

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    Use GPS:

    If you are driving your own car or a rental then you can also use a Global Positioning System (GPS) device to help you get to the town of Pisa. Most of these GPS units are loaded with the latest maps to help you plan your trip from start to your destination. Some even have voice commands that tell you when to turn and which road to use. If it is an expensive model then you can even get live traffic information to help you on your journey.

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