How to Give Yourself a Manicure

Your hands and nails are important part of your personality. They require proper time, attention and care. Manicure at least twice in a month. It is always better to manicure your nails before apply nail art or nail decals etc as manicure gives your hands a neat and clean look. However, if you have a limited budget in today’s world with economic crisis and you cannot afford a nail salon services, then do not worry at all. You can pamper your nails and hands at home within a limited budget. All the items of nail manicure are easily available in the market. Go through this article to get an idea how to give yourself a manicure.
Things Required:
Manicure Kits
Cotton Swabs / Cotton pads
Hand and Body Lotion
Nail Clippers
Cuticle Creams
Nail Buffers
Nail Cleaners
Nail Files
Nail Polish Remover
Nail Strengthening Polish
Nail Brushes
Nail Polishes
Paper towel
Warm water
Pick up a medium bowl and fill it with warm water. Now soak you hand in the warm water for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Take out your hands from the warm water and dry them thoroughly.
Now, file your nails gently as they are soft after soaking them in the warm water. Make sure to file them in one direction, avoiding a seesaw motion.
Push back your cuticles with great care.
Apply a fine quality moisturizer to your hands and massage them very gently.
Now, apply a base coat to your nails and wait for few minutes until your base coat dries well.
Apply any of your favourite nail polish. Use a good quality nail polish if you want a long-lasting result.
Dip a cotton pad in a nail polish remover and remove the stray marks if any.
Apply second coat of the same nail polish for a deeper colour.
Topcoat your nails with clear polish and enjoy.