How to Hold a Grudge Forever

There are events in everyone’s life that are extremely hard to forget and you tend to remember them all your lives. Most of the time, you are asked to forgive people but there are instances when you cannot do that. You hate somebody and will do anything to defeat him or her. There are many ways to hold a grudge forever. You need to relive the memory of the incident frequently so that you never forget about it. You need to retain the bitterness and never forgive the person who did this to you.


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    Never forget

    The best way to hold the grudge forever is to repeat the events in your mind every day. You should never forget what happened to you. It is often said that to release any grudge, it is important to forget about the incident. So if you want to hold the grudge, never forget about what happened and the level of distress it caused to you.

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    Retain the level of bitterness

    You must retain the level of bitterness the incident or the person caused you. The person should always remind you of the hurt caused so be bitter towards the reality.

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    Plan revenge

    Do not just sit and hold your grudge. You need to retaliate what the person has done to you. Plan your revenge so that you get the due of the pain and insult caused. The feeling of revenge will keep your emotions high and you will always be bitter towards the person.

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    Repeat the event

    Talking about the event or the incident will keep it fresh in your mind. So, try to tell your close ones or your friends repeatedly about the pain the person cause you. You will get a lot of sympathy like this and the immense support will keep you motivated in holding the grudge.

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    Do not forgive

    Forgiveness is the last thing you can hear of in this case. Never forgive the person who did this to you so that you can keep the grudge within yourself. It may be difficult not to forgive but that is the key.

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