How to Improve Your Sense of Humor

“An energetic laugh a day may keep the doctor away,” an exclusive study finds. Moreover, the research presented to the American College of Cardiology clearly shows that the “Laughter really may be the best cure or medicine.” So, simple is the rule of life, keeping laughing and live a healthy life. However, the basic requirement of laughter is the Sense of Humor, the ability to be amused/smile/ laugh.

It is a proven fact that a good sense of humor helps in managing various types of pains, improving your immune system, and reducing your tension or stress. Moreover, some research shows that it even helps you live longer life.

With good sense of humor, you can relieve the stress and tensions of your family members, friends and colleagues. The most important thing you have to keep in mind is that, “Sense of humor is not something inherited, but it can be learned and sharpened.” You can develop sense of humor if you really want to. The only thing you have to do is get an idea from useful and well proven methods, like the ones given below:


  • 1

    First of all regain your smile

    Although, smile and laughter are two separate things, but they do live in the same neighborhood and are interrelated terms. The very first thing you have to do is, regaining your cute smile on your face. Get out of the bore activities, look into the nature and try to feel good. Before the tensions of life overcome you, defeat them with a smiling face. Keep one simple rule of life in mind that ups and downs are a part of life. Isn’t it better to tackle them with a smiling face rather than making them more complex with a boring and sad face?

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    Add an activity to your daily to-do list

    From today onwards, make sure to throw a funny joke or share an embarrassing moment of your day with the people around you every night. You can involve your family as well, asking them to come up with something funny every day. It had two basic advantages; it gives birth to a healthy environment and improves your sense of humor as well.

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    Learn some basic jokes

    If you find it difficult to come up with new joke every day, then you can search online or read some books to learn some funny and decent jokes. You can watch the videos of some funny characters as well.

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    Bring some of the most embarrassing moments of your life to mind

    Remember some of the most embarrassing moments of your life and try to find out the humor part in them. Now, the next thing you have to do is, practicing to explain them in humorous way. It helps in polishing you hidden sense of humor.

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    Read the comics every day

    Reading comics (cartoon strips) everyday also enhances your sense of humor. Additionally, you can cut the comics and paste them on visible places like a bulletin board or refrigerator from where you can read them every day and laugh.

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    Spend time with your funny buddies

    Spend some time with your funny friends, family members or colleague in order to get some inspiration from their life. Closely observe their way of talking and explaining things in a comical way. You can ask them to give you some advices to improve your sense of humor. Secondly, you can watch the movies of some funny characters like crazy frog, Mr. Bean etc.

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    Experiment with jokes

    Experiment with the existing jokes and come up with your own ones. You can polish them by adding more fun in order to make them more interesting towards others.

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    Look for the funny side of situations

    When you come across various situations, try to look into the funny aspect of the incident rather than highlighting the serious side and making it more boring. The best thing you can do in this regard is, think about how the same situation might appear like to other people.

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    Practice your confidence

    Sense of humor requires great deal of confidence as making people laugh is not an easy task. Many times you throw a funny joke but people do not respond with laughter or smile. This is the time when you really have to be bold and confident of yourself in order to deal the situation smartly, coming up with something funnier every time.

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    Conduct a giggling session everyday

    Talk to your close one and conduct a giggling session of 10 to 15 minutes every day. Although, it looks awkward to giggle for nothing but we can guarantee your laughing in no time.

    Giggling method: Lie on the floor or a comfortable surface and ask the other person to lie besides you with his or her head on your stomach. Now, ask the third person to lie in the same manner, putting his or her head on the second person’s stomach. Accommodate all members of your giggling team this method. Now you have to start the giggling session by saying “Ha”. The next person should say “ha ha,” and the third person “ha ha ha” and so on. Get pleasure from this amazing giggling session and enjoy a better sense of humor.

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    Become skilled at making fun of yourself

    Be you own best friend and laugh on your humorous and embarrassing stories or aspects of life. Go one step ahead of it and try to open up them up from time to time unless they are not so personal to make next person or crowd uncomfortable.

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    Exaggerate and overstate problems

    “Making the situation bigger than life can help us to regain a humorous perspective,” states Patty Wooten, R.N., an award-winning humorist. Therefore, develop the capability to present various situations in more interesting way, exaggerating and overstating them.

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    Practice, Practice and PRACTICE

    Practice makes a person perfect. Same is the rule for developing sense of humor. Stand in front of a mirror and start talking about funny aspects of your life or share some jokes and try to laugh as loud as you can. Repeat every joke at least three times, making it better every time.

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    Make a determination to make people laugh

    There is no advantage of your sense of humor until perform it practically. When you run into family members, colleague or friends, share some funny experiences, throw a funny joke, ask them to tell something funny, or come up with some funny facial expression to bring a charming smile on their face.

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