How to Lose Weight without Dieting

You will find thousands of fad diet plans and weight-loss strategies that may help you in losing weight. But, those methods also leave you starving and feeling food-destitute. Majority of people really want to shed the extra layer of fat in their body but find it very daunting task for few reasons. For example, some of them do not want to give up on food as they live for food while some do not have time to undertake a crash diet or even hit the gym. However, step by step has got some grand news for you. If you really want to lose weight without dieting, then simple follow the given below unique methods. After all, “it is not what we eat BUT how we eat.”


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    Lose Weight by Sleeping

    Studies and research have clearly showed that inadequate sleeping hours may increase hunger despite proper intake of food and affect the body's metabolism rate. As a result, such situation makes it more difficult to lose weight. Therefore, lose weight just by making over your sleep habits – sleeping for 6 to 8 hours per day.

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    Lose weight by having sex

    Having sex and losing weight – no doubt, it sounds strange to your ears, but it is TRUE. It is one among the green ways to reduce weight with so many advantages. You might be thinking that how sex works in losing weight? It is simple; read the given below advantages:

    Your heart beat rate increase during a sex session and as result it boosts the process of metabolism - the quantity of energy or calories burnt by your body in order to maintain itself.  An average sex session glow 150 to 250 calories per half hour. Moreover, an athletic sex session can burn even more than that.

    Secondly, an enjoyable sex session with your partner gives you emotional and mental satisfaction. On the other hand, the same mental and emotional satisfaction leads to a stress free life, which reduces the chances of putting on unnecessary weight.

    Note: Do not forget that losing weight with sex session is not something that can be accomplished over night. Make sure to have long-term sex partner with proper stamina who understands your goals with sex-driven weight loss.

    Thirdly, a pleasurable sex is a guarantee of calm and peaceful sleep, which in another green factor to lose weight.

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    Lose weight by ingesting fat-free Milk

    Fat free milk is  a rich source of calcium, which enhances the rate of weight loss by rising fat breakdown in fat cells. It does not mean that you should start drinking gallons of milk per day. Stay calm and add it to your diet in moderation and enjoy the great increase in the fat lose.

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    Lose weight with spices

    Research has clearly shown that the intake of spices may also be a way in the weight-loss war. Ginger, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Mustard seeds, and Tabasco etc are some of the effective spices to lose weight.

    Note: Regardless of their scrumptiousness and weight-loss benefits, the mentioned spices can be a reason for adverse reactions. Therefore, make sure to keep their proportion medium in your diet. Moreover, it is better to consult your doctor about the usage of spices, in case if you have any type of health issue.

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    Lose weight with green tea

    Green tea play very vital role in shedding weight. Beside this specific quality, it has so many other health benefits as well. Making a green tea is a matter of few minutes. Pour boiling water into a cup and dip green tea bag into it for few seconds until the water turns light green in color. Add in sugar for taste – if you like. Drink this green tea three times per day and see amazing results. You can bring in variation to you simple green tea. All you have to do is, squeeze a lemon wedge into the green tea or add in some finely crushed ginger to it.

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    Lose weight with popcorns

    You will find it interesting to know that the popcorns help in reducing weight. Make sure not to add butter or salt to them. On the other hand, if you want to add flavor to your popcorn, then simply replace the butter with olive oil.

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