How to Make a Bug Spray at Home

During the summer, many people like to enjoy the outdoors with their families and friends. Having gatherings in the open with a barbecue is some much fun to have. A visit to the beach is also a source of joy for everyone.

However, this becomes tough with all the bugs that are bugging you outdoors and in some cases indoors as well during the summers. Although there are many products available in the market which can help you get rid of these bugs, these industrially produced sprays are often having such chemicals in them that are not good for human health. They also take a toll on the wallet.

The solution to this problem is a relatively simple one. You can make your own bug spray without using chemicals at home. The procedure of making such a spray is not at all complicated and can be done with relative ease.


– Dried herbs: spearmint, peppermint, catnip, citronella, lavender, lemongrass,

– Distilled Water

– Rubbing Alcohol or Witch Hazel


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    Boil Water

    The first step is to boil one cup of distilled water for the spray and add three to four tablespoons of dried herbs in the boiled water. Ideally add one tablespoon of each herb or some of the above mentioned herbs in the boiled water. It’s also not a bad idea to add a couple of dried cloves to the water along with the herbs. Mix the solution well.

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    Cooling Down

    Once the herbs have been added, leave the solution in a container that has a lid on it. Let the solution cool down. Covering the solution is important as it will keep the fumes of the herbs inside the solution and the solution will not be losing its fragrance.

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    Mix with Rubbing Alcohol

    The next step is to drain out the herbs from the solution and add the solution to one cup of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. Store the solution in a cool place in a bottle. Keeping it in a fridge will also not be a bad idea.

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    Use When Needed

    You can use the solution whenever you are going outside.The best part with this solution is that it smells great and is also good for your skin unlike those chemical based bug sprays that damage both skin and your health in general. It is also inexpensive compared to the ones commercially available.

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