How To Make a Honey Salt Scrub

Day to day interaction with various sources of pollution fills the pores of your skin with dirt particles. On the other hand, the naturally produced oils of the skin merge with the dead skins cells and make your complexion dull and unattractive. But don’t worry the one and simple solution to both of these major skin issue is “Scrubbing.” Be caring and sweet on your skin and give it some honey-salt scrub. This amazing skin scrub is the key to glowing and young looking skin is in befitting exfoliation.

The regular use of the honey-salt scrub gently removes the dulling particles from the pores of your skin, making you look younger and glowing. You don’t have to purchase any expensive honey-salt scrub for this purpose as making your own scrub is simple and  easy activity, providing your with natural product in return. However, the nature and texture of your facial skin is a bit different as compared to rest of the body’s skin. Therefore, you have to make slight changes in the ingredients of the scrub to make separate honey-salt scrub for face and body.


For Face’s Scrub

1 tablespoon honey
– 2 teaspoon finely ground almonds
– 1 teaspoon lemon juice

For Body’s Scrub:
– 2 cups sugar
– 1 ½ cups sweet almond oil
– 4 tablespoons honey
– 4 teaspoons lemon juice
– 4 drops of lemon essential oil
– 1 cup table salt or sea salt
– 1/3 cup essential oil – of your choice
– 2 tablespoons clay powder
– 2 tablespoons non-fat dry milk


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    Honey Salt Scrub for Face

    Mix together 1 tablespoon of pure honey with 2 tablespoons of nicely ground almonds in a medium bowl, using a spoon.

    Add in 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and continue mixing until form a thick and smooth paste.

    Now gently apply this honey salt scrub on your face and neck, avoiding eyes’ area and lips. Rub the scrub all over your face smoothly in circular motion. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash off the scrub with lukewarm water.

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    Honey Salt Scrub for Body

    Place 2 cups of sugar in a large bowl and top it with 1 and ½ cups of cups sweet almond oil.

    Mix in 4 tablespoons of pure honey,  4 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and 4 drops of lemon essential oil. Lightly mix the ingredients without allowing the sugar to dissolve.

    Add in 1/3  cup of your favorite essential oil,  2 tablespoons of clay powder and 2 tablespoons of  non-fat dry milk.

    Mix the ingredients for 3 to 5 seconds, not allowing salt and sugar to dissolve.

    Gently rub it on your body for few seconds and let it sit on your body for 20 to 30 minutes. Now take a warm shower to wash off the honey-salt scrub.

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