How to Make Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Homemade mashed potatoes are not difficult to make but the recipe requires you to be patient, as it takes some time to prepare. The best part about this dish is that almost all of the ingredients are available at home because of their daily usage, so you don’t need to go out to the market to buy anything extra.

While preparing the mashed potatoes, you have to go through several phases. At first, you have to prepare the potatoes, then cook them and finally mash them with your favourite ingredients in order to serve to your family.

Prep time: 15-20 min
Cook time: 25-30 min
Total time: 40-50 min
Yield: 4 servings
Utensils: Vegetable peeler or paring knife, Vegetable brush, Sharp kitchen knife, Large saucepan, Microwave-safe dish or small saucepan, Metal spoon, Potato masher or electric mixer, Large mixing bowl.

Potatoes, Yukon Gold or Russet: 1 1/2 lbs (675 g)
Salt: 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL)
Heavy cream: 4 Tbsp (60 mL)
Butter: 2 Tbsp (30 mL)
Milk: 1 Tbsp (15 mL)
Salt and pepper: to taste


  • 1

    Peel the potatoes

    Use a sharp knife to peel the skin of the potatoes. Make sure the potatoes you buy are not sweet, as they will not taste good with the ingredients used in this recipe.

  • 2

    Wash the potatoes

    After peeling the potatoes, wash them properly with cold water. Some people like to cook the potatoes with their skin. In that case, you will have to rinse off the dirt with care.

  • 3

    Cut potatoes

    Cut all the potatoes into small chunks and add them to a pan filled with water. At this stage, you need to add some salt to the pan.

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    Boil the potatoes

    Bring the potatoes to boil on medium heat. Make sure not to stir them while they are being cooked. Once the water boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

  • 5

    Drain the potatoes

    Check whether the potatoes have become tender and then drain them. Once they are dry, add them to a small bowl.

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    Heat cream, butter and milk

    Mix cream, butter and milk together in a small bowl and heat them for a couple of minutes until they take a liquid form.

  • 7

    Add the mixture with potatoes

    Combine the liquid mixture with potatoes and mash them using a fork or a spoon. Afterwards, you can add your favourite seasonings in order to enhance the taste.

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